Registration Process

Registration Process

Registration of electors is done electronically using IEC Registration tablets and through the use of online registration Portal for self-registration. The following procedure has to be done for one to complete his/her registration:

Registering using Registration tablets

IEC official captures National ID on the elector app to search if such person has already registered. If such person has already registered, the application will only allow for updating of elector particulars. The particulars that can be updated are as follows, Names (both surname and first names should reflect those on the National ID), Date of birth (As it should appear on the National ID).

If after entering the National ID and searching using names such person doesn’t appear in the registration tablet(database) such person will be regarded as a new registrant and all other required information will be captured on the registration form and registration tablet. 

Registering using  IEC Registration Portal(self-registration)

Go to IEC Lesotho website click Voter portal menu and follow all steps as given on the self registration manual.